Quando: Sabato 18 Novembre 2006 dalle 09:00 alle 13:00
Dove: aula De - piano terra del DEI,
via Gradenigo 6/B (ingresso studenti),
09:00 Apertura meeting, caffè, caffè, caffè.
09:15 [a href=”http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=—8911875981880954778”>Guarda il video
Design Patterns in Java: tricks ans tips, a cura di Enrico Giurin
Someone in the world has already solved my problems, using patterns I get experience reuse instead of code reuse. Design patterns in java, when to use them and why. I will show you the most important patterns, and object oriented principles, using simple code examples.
10:45 caffè, caffè, caffè, caffè, caffè!
11:00 [a href=”http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=5301221354321841479”>Guarda il video
Watermarking, Tamper-Proofing and Obfuscation - Tools for Software Protection, a cura di Mariano Ceccato
Three types of attack on intellectual property contained in software are reverse engineering, piracy and tampering.The maindefences against those attacks are respectively obfuscation, watermarking and tamper-proofing. In the talk I will present a survey on the available technology for each type of defence.
12:30 Domande/risposte, dibattiti accesi, pomodori e uova marce
13:00 Pizza tutti assieme
(Malgrado titoli e riassunti, gli interventi saranno in italiano)